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Dori S Holistic Training

Achieving fitness, health and well being goals together

My passion is to empower women so they realise how strong they are, both physically and mentally.

Why dori?




Dedicated to helping women find their ​strength, both physically and mentally. I ​believe that to achieve our fitness and health ​goals, we must nourish our mind, body and ​spirit. Using this unique body and mind ​approach with personalised workouts, ​nutrition, mindset and lifestyle support I can ​help you build your fitness and wellbeing ​journey.

That brain fog, stress, low self ​esteem, poor sleep and nutrition ​can be lifted!

You don’t have to carry the weight ​of the world on your shoulders. You ​just need to show up and have fun. ​As a certified fitness, nutrition ​and life coach, I can support you to ​achieve your health confidence and ​wellbeing goals. No fads, no fancy ​techniques, just fun, compassion ​and empathy.


What if I were to show you that even in your busy life, you absolutely can become the woman who prioritises herself. Hectic schedule? No problem. Creating fun, achievable and flexible plans to fit your calendar.

A little bit about me

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My passion for exercising and physical activities started ​in my childhood. However, becoming a mother in 2015, ​was a game changer in how I approached this aspect of ​my life.

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I soon realised it wasn’tjust my pregnant and postpartum ​body that changed. My sleeping habits, stress levels, ​nutritional intake and mindset challenges all had a huge ​impact on my overall wellbeing.

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Now a mother of three young children, I love being active

as a family. Exercising together and having a healthy lifestyle.

When I began coaching women, it became more and more compelling for me to praise not just physical strength but to celebrate positive lifestyle changes,

mental health improvements and body confidence too.

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Nothing ​changes


nOthing ​changes

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My focus and my drive is for my clients to ​achieve their goals. Whether that goal is ​confidently jumping on the trampoline with ​their children, getting back to physical ​activity after an injury or lifting weights ​with a smile on their faces.

Each and every session I tailor specifically to my client. I believe we are all unique individuals with different needs, lifestyles and goals. I pride myself on planning and creating a workout

solely for each person.

Let’s Go!

What the sisterhood are saying



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Dora is brilliant! After sustaining a major shoulder injury and subsequent replacement I started fortnightly PT sessions with Dora. My mobility has improved dramatically, as has my balance. It’s taken courage to get to where I am but Dora is so supportive and listens to my needs, giving me confidence that I can do it! I may feel reluctant at times, but I thoroughly enjoy my sessions with Dora! She is so

knowledgeable and kind!



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Dori is fantastic at listening,

advising and empowering me in every

session. She is empathic and very

skilled at judging what level to pitch

each workout. I would totally

recommend Dori as a

personal trainer.

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Thanks to Dora, my training is tailored to my needs while I am 33 weeks pregnant, and I feel like I have accomplished a lot. She has been with me all along and helped me physically and mentally too. I highly recommend it.

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Not been able to excise for a lot of years due to knee problems. I found the weight went on, my fitness was non existent and my self-confidence had hit rock bottom!…

I can honestly say that she is amazing, caring, understanding of individual needs, her professionalism and understanding of your own needs are fantastic.

She has boosted my confidence and helped my knee recovery excel and I’ve seen a total difference in my fitness already.

I totally recommend Dori




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Dora is a great personal trainer. Every week is tailored to your ability and offers a great variety of exercises. I look forward to my session each week knowing that she is helping me get stronger and fitter. I know I would not be at the fitness level I am if not for the personal attention given in my training sessions. Dora is always very encouraging and has a vast knowledge of her profession. I would recommend Dora in a heartbeat.

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I’ve been having Dora as my PT since the 1st lockdown in 2020… I am one of her more senior clients (65 years old) and the reason for our consistency is her encouragement and positivity during every session even when I’m less positive. She never ever criticises my work effort when I’m finding things difficult, instead she always points out the good and strong things I’ve done . On top of this, she is just such a lovely person to work with and I can honestly say, I’ve never had a session with her that I haven’t enjoyed. I would highly recommend her to anyone.

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For women, a training session is ​never just about exercising. It's ​"strength therapy". It's good for ​the body and good for the soul.

That starts with me educating ​and training my mind and body ​with as much as I can to create ​quality, tailor made sessions to ​reach my clients’ goals ​effectively.

personal training


to one

Two to one



Share your training session with a family member or friend.

This is great for confidence building, boosting morale and sharing the cost.

With training two to one, you get the same level of dedication from me. Tailored workouts to help you both individually improve your needs and achieve your goals together.

Train with me for one hour in my private, ​fully equipped studio in Colyford, East ​Devon.

With our one to one sessions, you can ​expect a tailored workout dedicated to ​help improve your needs and achieve your ​goals.

We can focus on you and really get the ​most out of your session.

£35 per session


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Online Training subscription


Welcome to my brand new service. With my monthly subscription group, you will have access to fantastic pre-recorded workouts every weekday. This means you can train whenever it fits in with you and wherever you are. Included in this subscription will be help with nutrition, support whenever you need it and a space to chat and interact with a supportive group of strong women!

You can do these workouts in addition to your in person training sessions, even when you are on holiday, it’s training to suit your schedule.

£30 Per Month



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During your life coaching sessions, I will help you gain clarity about different ​aspects of your life, be it your private life or your career. I am going to help ​you define clear goals for yourself and find ways to achieve those specific ​goals.

Life coaches are different from mental health professionals and coaching ​isn’t considered a mental health treatment of a medical nature.

I can support you on your journey to rediscover your own strengths and ​abilities. This can include; excelling in the workplace, becoming happy and ​fulfilled at home, exploring your potential, managing health conditions and ​achieving life ambitions.



With my most recent qualification as a certified nutritionist coach, I can ​support you to achieve your health confidence and wellbeing goals.

In our sessions I will take a full food diary analysis. Based on this, we will ​configure and implement easy changes to your daily meals or it can be a strict ​change meeting macronutrients.

We can tackle snacking, inspire you with healthy meal ideas and how to create ​a tasty tea that doesn’t take long and is full of nutritional benefits.



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I started training my client, age 44, a year after her mother died. She started the sessions as an outlet for her grief and to channel her emotions.

As a result of this, her body ​shape has completely changed. ​She toned up, developed nice ​glute muscles and now has a flat ​tummy. The transformation got ​even more noticeable since we ​started looking at her nutrition ​and building some long standing ​dietary habits.

Her story proves that exercise is ​one of the best therapies when ​it comes to mental healt​h.

She was an aerobic and trampoline instructor twenty years ago and has been living a very active life ever since. So she generally had a very good base to build on.

We have been working on her cardiovascular fitness, strength, pelvic floor, balance and power and have been going through the different stages of her grieving process in the meantime.

Sometimes we just do padwork (or you can call it “boxing”) or a crazy sweaty circuit for the entire session to let her anger and sadness out.

Sisterhood success stories


My client, age 74, fell down the stairs and injured her​ shoulder so badly that she needed a total reverse​ shoulder replacement in 2021.​

I should add, she has also had a hip and a knee replacement beforehand. We started working ​together a year after her operation. She totally and understandably needed a bit of ​encouragement to come to her first training session at the age of 73, so her daughter ​accompanied her for the first couple of sessions. ​

My client had hardly any range of movement in her injured shoulder. She was also very​ worried that she would pop her shoulder out again, so she basically did not use that arm. ​

My main focus was for her to start trusting her shoulder and arm again. We took a very ​gentle approach and slowly progressed from there. We started with mobility exercises, ​then we moved onto doing bodyweight exercises, followed by using resistance bands. ​After about 6 months we started doing a few exercises with dumbbells.

In the meantime we also focused on her balance, with fantastic results. We’ve been ​rebuilding some core strength and have been practising exercises that are mimicking ​everyday moves, like sitting up from a chair (squats) or putting the plates in the ​cupboard above our head (shoulder presses).

She now has a full range of movement in her shoulder. The biggest achievement for her, and of course for me, is that she managed ​to carry a big bag of soil from her car to her garden! She also climbed on a stepladder to change a lightbulb above her head!

CORE & pelvic floor

My client approached me for PT sessions when her first child was 6 months old

My client had a big diastasis recti (abdominal separation), carpal tunnel syndrome and was breastfeeding. She was very, very tired. This also meant that her diet wasn’t the best from the constant craving of sweet things.

Before she started her maternity leave, she had been working as a tennis instructor. Her ​goal was to be able to get back to her job in a very good and fit form.

We started working on her core muscles, core stability and to close the gap between her ​tummy muscles. It’s not the most exciting thing to do, but the hard work definitely pays ​off. By the time her maternity leave was over and she had to return to work, she had good ​core muscle and cardiovascular strength. We also positively altered her nutrition. I ​introduced a lot of healthier versions of the snacks she used to eat mainly because of ​tiredness and boredom.

We continued to work together even through her second pregnancy. We focus on the ​appropriate breath work, strengthening the deep core and pelvic floor muscles, plus ​generally keeping up with her usual training regime (with alterations). She is now 37 weeks ​pregnant and trains twice a week.


In her mid-fifties, with 4 grown -up children and a very active lifestyle., 2022 ended with a full knee replacement. Three months later we started training together.

My client had never done any kind of training or weightlifting, it was all brand new to her. I worked closely together with ​her physiotherapist during her rehab time.

Very shortly after we started working together my client realised that she should lose weight as well, to take pressure off her knee. We looked into her nutrition, changed her diet around and I kept her accountable with weekly check-ins. She very soon upped her training sessions to two, then to three sessions a week, whilst she also did her “homework” between sessions.

All this dedication and hard work very ​quickly resulted in massive changes in ​her body shape, and in the strength ​and mobility of her leg and knee.

To cut a long and very successful ​story short, 10 months after her ​operation she was back on a motorbike ​and completed a two weeks long tour! ​A little over a year after the op, she ​was back on the ski slopes skiing!

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and start your journey with me

Are you ​ready? ​Let’s go!

Dori S Holistic Training

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Training hours

Monday 3.30-8.30pm

Tuesday 9-3pm

Wednesday 9-3pm

Thursday 9-3pm and 4.30-8.30pm

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Are you checking the food labels?


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I usually make our granola (it's easy to prepare and I love that I know what is in it...) but this week has got very busy and I needed to let something go.

I was overwhelmed by the amount of different granolas, even in our local and small Tesco. I had no idea which one to choose, and I was hoping that checking the labels will help.

The first granola I picked off the shelves was Bio&Me Super Seedy&Nutty. The "Good for your Gut" and "Founded by the Gut Health Doctor" words straight away caught my eyes. It's in a pretty paper box, the whole thing just looks very tempting or let's say, mouth watering.

My second try was Tesco's own brand "High protein granola". Ugly, blue plastic packaging, not very inviting.

Time to compare labels

I only eat a small amount of granola sprinkled on top of my yoghurt with various other bits, so do my children. For me the protein content was the most important when choosing a granola (I do appreciate that it is not the same for everyone).

I have to be honest, I was very surprised that Tesco's granola has nearly the double amount of protein, than the Bio&Me. All other macronutrients (apart from fibre content where Bio&Me won) were roughly the same.

What do I want to say with this?

Be clear of YOUR OWN needs.

Do you need low calories/high calories products? Do you have to keep an eye on your sugar intake? Do you need more fibre/ less carbs/ more fat/ more protein? Do you value reusable packaging? These are all unique to you and you will get answers for your questions if you check the labels.

Don't sit on the bandwagon, pick and eat food that is nourishing you.

5 reasons why you might not be losing weight


We think the recipe of losing weight is easy: you move more, eat less and voila! you're slimmer and healthier. Unfortunately this is not always the case. We either move less or eat more than we think so, and there are other factors we have to take into consideration as well when we talk about weight loss.

And even if you do everything as you should, your weight loss

can stop (we say it "plateau" ) and this is very annoying!

Number 2

You’re too stressed

It's again the good old cortisol hormone's fault. When you're stressed, your body releases more cortisol. As above mentioned, cortisol causes an increase in appetite as well as extra fat storage around the abdominal region — a big no-no since abdominal fat is linked to diabetes, high cholesterol and other health problems.

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Number 1

you're not getting enough sleep

I'm a mother of three, so believe me, I KNOW. ..

There are studies that suggest that sleep deprivation affects the secretion of cortisol, one of the hormones that regulates appetite. Also, when you're tired, you move less and carve (and eat) more sugary stuff. I know it's disappointing when you can't control your children's sleep but do not underestimate the importance of power naps.

You're eating too much OR not eating enough calories

Number 3

Eating too much might sound obvious, but most of my clients actually ate more than they'd thought so before they started paying real attention to their food. Are you cleaning up the plate after your children? Are you eating just one biscuit whilst talking to your colleague? Are you picking whilst cooking? These calories all add up very quickly.

The other end of the scales is when you're not eating enough calories.

Why are you not losing weight if you're not eating enough calories?

This case is more common amongst women as you'd think so. When you don't eat enough your body goes into survival mode. Your metabolic rate decreases and you burn calories slower.

Number 4

you're not consistent

Based on my experience as a personal trainer, this is the main reason of why women are not losing weight.

Is your nutrition spot on from Monday to Wednesday and by Thursday evening you're too exhausted to be bothered? Or do your social events include too much booze and food?

I'm not saying you should not enjoy life but you have to be aware that a crazy weekend could easily ruin all your efforts that week. Planning is always the key - and here I mean planning your whole weeks ahead in terms of movement and nutrition.

Number 5

You have a medical condition

Some medical conditions and medications can contribute to weight gain or difficulties to lose weight. You should get a diagnosis from a health care professional to determine whether these problems are medically-related.

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You’ve hit a plateau

As your body adapts to your workouts, it becomes more efficient at it and doesn't expend as many calories doing it. You may find that after your initial weight loss your progress will slow down and eventually stop.

To get out of this situation, you either have to increase your workouts or decrease your calories.

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I hope you find these useful! If you'd like to have support with your nutrition and have maximum 30 minutes long workouts that are designed for busy women, then join our Monthly subscription group. The workouts are pre-recorded, you can do them at home at anytime, and require minimal equipment. The support of a great community of likeminded women is an extra bonus.

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Can you sweat out a cold?

I'm afraid you can't! First of all, let's make it clear, I'm not talking about the little sniffs and common colds that everyone has over the winter months! Im talking about the proper nasty colds when you are full of snot, you are coughing, have a sore throat, your body aches and you have a raised temperature.

Mild to moderate physical activity is okay if you have a common cold. Many people say they do actually feel better after exercising, for example they feel they are less congested.

It's always adviseable to decrease the length and the intensity of your exercise. This means, instead of going for a run, go for a walk or instead of a heavy weightlifting session, do some mobility work or bodyweigt exercises. You might find that using steam rooms and saunas are making you feel so much better.

Make sure you are always well hydrated. If you are dehydrated, symptoms could intensify when working out purely because you lose lots of water when sweating.

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If you have more severe symptoms; High temperature, body aches and nasty coughs, it's better if you have a few rest days.

I always say to my clients, once they feel that they are fully recovered, wait an extra day before returning to their usual exercise regime.

Common misconception

Though some think sweating out a cold can speed up recovery, there’s no scientific support. Instead, it’s our immune system that actively fights off infections including cold viruses. When we are completely run down and we exhaust our bodies with crazy workouts even more, our immune system won't be able to fight the infection.

General rule

As a general rule, if your symptoms are "above neck line" and most probably signs of a ​general cold, you are ok to carry on exercising - with moderation. If your symptoms are ​"below neck line" , like chest infections, upset tummies, then it’s time to schedule in a few​ rest days. ​

Please also don't forget about the people who you might infect with your viruses if​ you're exercising whilst poorly in a closed place, like your gym.

Physical activities are boosting the immune system, so work hard when you're healthy and​ take it easier or have a rest when you are feeling poorly!​


Break the habit of reaching for fat-free products!

We grew up in an era where fat-free products were the "norm". We were told that fats cause high cholesterol levels, and that will lead to heart problems and diseases. We saw from our mothers that for weightloss you must cut out all fats and only consume low-fat or fat-free products. It will take long time to really believe that healthy fats are not our enemies!!

These beliefs are not supported anymore. Researches have shown (and you can test it on yourself, too!) , that a high-fat diet can help you feel less hungry, and may be beneficial for heart health.

Why do women need to eat healthy fats

Healthy fats are an important part of hormonal balance. In order for women to function properly and feel at their best, they need to balance levels of both oestrogen and progesterone. To ensure adequate progesterone production, in addition to managing stress (a common cause of low progesterone production), women need to make sure that they are consuming sufficient levels of healthy fats.

What are the healthy fats?

Monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat are healthy fats. They can also help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

A few examples for healthy fats: nuts, nut butters, avocado, olives, olive oil, egg, flaxseeds, chia seeds, yoghurt, and fatty fish.

What is the difference between fat-free and low-fat and reduced-fat dairy products?

Fat- free foods must have less than 0.5g of fat per serving. Low-fat foods must meet the ingredient requirements with 3 grams of fat or less per serving. Reduced-fat foods must have at least 25% less fat in their ingredients than the regular versions of those foods.

It all goes back to one question

What is the fat substituted with? Very often they increase the carb content in the process of creating a fat-free or low-fat product, which probably isn’t beneficial. If you have a look at normal Greek yoghurt and Fat-free greek yoghurt, the fat -free one will have way more carbs in it.

The biggest things you should focus on are calories, carbohydrates and protein. You want your carbs to come from high-fiber foods as much as possible. Whether you choose a low-fat, high-fat, it’s important to get enough protein. If you don't eat eanough protein, you will feel hungry more frequently. This very often results in unnecessary snacking. Fat, protein and fiber take longer to digest, which means they leave you feeling full for longer periods between meals.

What does it come down to?

For weight loss, it’s down to calorie deficit. Whether you’re following a low-fat or a high-fat diet, if you’re in calorie excess, it’s still going to contribute to weight gain.

Eating fat also helps you to keep your blood sugar stable. It has a lower impact on insulin than carbohydrates and protein. Controlling your blood sugar is key to staying lean and healthy, optimizing concentration, focus and energy and limiting your risk of type 2 diabetes.

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You don’t HAVE TO do cardio to lose weight

If you’re incorporating resistance training

On the other hand, if you're incorporating resistance training into your training routine, you're very likely going to increase muscle mass (if you consume an appropriate amount of protein). Muscle mass requires more calories to build and to maintain. This means you will burn more calories whilst you're resting AND training. The more muscles you have, the more calories you burn (in a nutshell).


The Benefits

“I need to do cardio to lose weight/fat and then I’ll do weights to tone up.” This is one of the most common fitness related myths I’d like to debunk so that you can get your training straight.

This is a classic debate. To make it clear, both cardio training and resistance training is beneficial for you. The combination of the two is the best. I just don't like or agree with the ‘black and white’ either cardio or lifting weights approach.

When you do cardio training

Your heart rate will increase and that will burn calories (if you stay within the fat-burning heart rate bracket). As you get cardiovascularly fitter, you can perform for a longer period of time to increase calorie burning even more.

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Strength training:

(resistance training, weightlifting):

- Makes you stronger (both physically and mentally)

- Burns calories effectively

- Decrease abdominal fat

- You will be leaner and your muscles will look toned

- Your muscles will be able to support your body more, your balance will be better, so you decrease the risk of falls and injuries

- helps to manage your blood sugar level

- makes your bones stronger

- boosts your mood, confidence and energy level

Cardiovascular training:

- Improves cardiovascular health

- lowers blood pressure

- Helps with chronic pain

- Aids sleep

- Helps to regulate body weight

- Boosts your mood and energy level

To get the best results

To get the best results, you should do both strength training and cardiovascular training. I also have to mention that without being in calorie deficit, you’re not going to lose weight, so you need to look at the whole picture.

If you have any questions, or would like to find out how many calories you need to eat to lose fat, I’m always here to help!

The best hormone balancing ​foods


Hormones can affect your mood, appetite, stress levels, and overall health. If your hormones are off ​balance, you might feel more fatigued than usual. Even further, you might experience anything from ​irregular bowel movements to irregular menstrual cycles, heightened stress and general irritability.

It's always wise to look at our diet first and make adjustments in there. Our nutrition is integral to ​hormonal health, especially by regulating our gut health (which has an effect on our mental health)

Thankfully, there are certain foods that can help you balance your hormones, and fuel our bodies with ​those.

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Avocados are among the best hormone balancing foods. They are ​low in carbs and rich in heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory ​monounsaturated fats. The healthy fats and low carbs promote ​stable insulin, one of your key metabolic hormones. Stable insulin ​keeps your energy steady and prevents your blood sugar from ​crashing. On top of that, the healthy fats in avocados are building ​blocks for sex hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and ​testosterone. The plentiful fat in avocados gives your body the ​raw materials to make hormones it needs.

Number 2


Fats that are high in omega-3s help your body produce sex ​hormones. Salmon and tuna are high in these fatty acids. Because ​your endocrine system uses hormones to communicate with the ​brain, balancing them can help to boost your mood and improve ​cognition.

Number 3


Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, as well as ​cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, are vital ​components of a hormone balancing diet. These vegetables contain ​essential nutrients like folate and antioxidants that support the ​liver in metabolising hormones effectively. By aiding in hormone ​detoxification, these foods help maintain hormonal balance.

Number 4


Nuts are rich in poly and monounsaturated fats, which are responsible ​for aiding in blood vessel health and hormone production. They positively ​impact your endocrine system and help lower cholesterol and insulin ​levels while maintaining blood sugar.

Number 5


Flaxseeds are rich in plant-based estrogens, especially lignans, which ​promote hormone balance and provide menstrual support. They’re also ​rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. Fiber is an excellent ​probiotic, and the insoluble fiber in flaxseeds encourage bowel ​movements that help detox your body of excess hormones.

Turmeric and curcumin may ​especially be helpful in conditions ​such as painful menstrual cycles, ​PCOS, hormonally related ​headaches/migraines, ​endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and ​auto-immune conditions.

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Coconut oil offers significant ​benefits for hormone balance by ​nourishing various systems in the ​body. Research suggests that ​coconut oil supports the immune ​system, gut health, and adrenal ​function, all of which play key roles ​in hormone health.

Diet plays a big role in hormone ​balance, and these four foods are ​some of my top picks for keeping ​your hormones healthy. Other ​great ways to achieve hormone ​balance are exercising, plenty of ​mild, direct sunlight, enough sleep ​and managing stress with various ​techniques.

I hope you found these useful! If ​you'd like to have support with ​your nutrition, and get max 30 mins ​long workouts that are designed ​for busy women, then join our ​Monthly subscription group. The ​workouts are pre-recorded, you can ​do them at home at anytime, and ​require minimal equipment. The ​support of a great community of ​likeminded women is an extra ​bonus.

The subscription is only £1/day!

Here is the link to join:

Number 6


Eggs are one of the best foods for balancing ​hormones, as they have a positive impact on insulin ​and ghrelin hormones in the body. Specifically, insulin ​controls blood sugar while ghrelin controls appetite. ​Your insulin and ghrelin levels are lower after you eat ​eggs for breakfast (compared to a carb-based meal). ​Similar to other proteins, eggs are one of those ​hormone-friendly foods that keep you full for longer, ​so you can end up consuming fewer calories.

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Maca has many health benefits and is commonly used ​to boost fertility and libido and balance hormones by ​controlling the functions of the hypothalamus and ​pituitary gland.

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This is my very first vlog, so obviously I'm very excited!

I decided that I'm going to talk about a topic that is more challenging to write about.

Pelvic floor

Pelvic floor exercises and how to do them

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Since training women, I’ve noticed that very few know how to do their pelvic floor exercises. So my vlog will show and explain ‘the basics’ to your pelvic floor exercises and how to get the best results from doing them correctly.

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Have a watch of my vlog, I hope it helps you better ​understand your pelvic floor and how to do them. If you ​have any questions or would like to discuss taking it to a ​more advanced level, please send me a message, I am happy ​to help.


5 stretches to ease the pain of sciatica


In a seated position in a chair or on the floor. You have one leg out straight and the other legs knee bent across the straight leg. Then we gently push that bent knee down and let it come up. switch legs and repeat.

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Pigeon pose-Forearms or hands on the floor, bend one knee and straighten the back leg. Hold this position for as long as you feel comfortable or if you feel you can get a better stretch, then you can move from one side to the other.

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Half kneeling stretch- kneel on one leg, the other bent in front. Use cushions if your knee is sensitive. Then we rock forward to create a lovely stretch, then come back to the centre and repeat.

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In a standing position, hold on to a wall or your desk, try to straighten your back. Then we move from the furthest point out to the right and then to the left.

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Sit on your foam roller, then roll your glutes followed by your leg, wherever is most painful or your whole leg area. You can also go on your lower back then roll back and forth.



This tape was developed to aid movement, improve performance. Very often it is used to relieve pain, reduce swelling or inflammation. It also provides support for your joints and muscles.

Step One:



Start taping your core- you want a very narrow ‘X’ cross with the crossing point at your belly button. POSITION THE TAPE AND Rub IN PLACE.


You cant go wrong or hurt yourself, so give it a go. You can leave it on for three days then take it off to rest and reapply. You can shower whilst having it on.

i am a qualified corrective exercise specialist, if you have any questions or need advice please dont suffer in silence. GET IN TOUCH TODAY.


Can you bring your baby, child or children to your session?


Absolutely, yes! I strongly believe in mums and dads exercising or doing any physical activities together with their children. So, if you would like to train and bring your children to all, one or just a few sessions, that is absolutely ok.

Can you help me with nutrition?

I can totally help you with nutrition.

I am a qualified nutrionist coach and can provide nutrition programs separate to training or if you would like, nutritional content can be incorporated in with your personal training.

Can you do the sessions any cheaper?

The answer is simple, no. I keep my prices low so the sessions are affordable for mums and women with families.

I do offer two to one training sessions which helps spread the cost between you and a family member or friend.

What kind of training do you do?


What are the benefits of the online training subscription?

Should I eat before my training session?

The subscription is a service designed for all women, to pick and choose workouts and stretching at any time to suit your schedule.

It is quality training at an affordable price.

£30 per month, that’s £1 a day, for training sessions every weekday, weekend challenges, support whenever you need it, nutrition advice, inspiration and more!

Can I come fortnightly? How often can I come?

One hour training with me each ​week is not enough to make a ​massive change to your body/life if ​you’re not changing other aspects ​eg. not moving more, correcting ​your position and nutrition. I can ​help you with this. If you see me ​once a week I can keep you ​accountable. I can check in daily ​with you if you would prefer.